Перевод: с русского на португальский

с португальского на русский

de tra(c)tor(es)

См. также в других словарях:

  • con´tra|dic´tor — con|tra|dict «KON truh DIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to say that (a statement) is not true; deny: »He contradicted the rumor that he was moving to another town. SYNONYM(S): impugn, dispute. See syn. under deny. (Cf. ↑deny) 2. to say the opposite of …   Useful english dictionary

  • ex|tra|his|tor|i|cal — «EHKS truh hihs TR uh kuhl, TOR », adjective. beyond the range of history …   Useful english dictionary

  • tor — ab·ac·tor; ab·bre·vi·a·tor; ab·di·ca·tor; abet·tor; ab·ne·ga·tor; abom·i·na·tor; ab·sol·vi·tor; ab·strac·tor; ac·cel·er·a·tor; ac·cen·tor; ac·cen·tu·a·tor; ac·cep·tor; ac·com·mo·da·tor; ac·cu·mu·la·tor; acet·y·la·tor; ac·ti·va·tor; ac·tor;… …   English syllables

  • tra — in·tra·bi·on·tic; in·tra·cartilaginous; in·tra·cav·i·tar·i·ly; in·tra·cav·i·tary; in·tra·cellular; in·tra·cerebral; in·tra·cervical; in·tra·chordal; in·tra·cisternal; in·tra·city; in·tra·coastal; in·tra·company; in·tra·continental;… …   English syllables

  • con´tra|dict´er — con|tra|dict «KON truh DIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to say that (a statement) is not true; deny: »He contradicted the rumor that he was moving to another town. SYNONYM(S): impugn, dispute. See syn. under deny. (Cf. ↑deny) 2. to say the opposite of …   Useful english dictionary

  • con´tra|dict´a|ble — con|tra|dict «KON truh DIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to say that (a statement) is not true; deny: »He contradicted the rumor that he was moving to another town. SYNONYM(S): impugn, dispute. See syn. under deny. (Cf. ↑deny) 2. to say the opposite of …   Useful english dictionary

  • con|tra|dict — «KON truh DIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to say that (a statement) is not true; deny: »He contradicted the rumor that he was moving to another town. SYNONYM(S): impugn, dispute. See syn. under deny. (Cf. ↑deny) 2. to say the opposite of what (a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ad|min´is|tra´tor|ship — ad|min|is|tra|tor «ad MIHN uh STRAY tuhr», noun. 1. a person who administers; manager: »the administrator of a government program. 2. a person with ability as a manager or executive: »a born administrator. 3. Law. a person appointed by law to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ad|min|is|tra|tor — «ad MIHN uh STRAY tuhr», noun. 1. a person who administers; manager: »the administrator of a government program. 2. a person with ability as a manager or executive: »a born administrator. 3. Law. a person appointed by law to settle or take charge …   Useful english dictionary

  • ar´bi|tra´tor|ship — ar|bi|tra|tor «AHR buh trma>A tuhr», noun. 1. a person chosen to decide or settle a dispute: »A mediator seeks to bring the two sides in a labor dispute together. An arbitrator hears evidence and makes specific recommendations for settlement… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ar|bi|tra|tor — «AHR buh trma>A tuhr», noun. 1. a person chosen to decide or settle a dispute: »A mediator seeks to bring the two sides in a labor dispute together. An arbitrator hears evidence and makes specific recommendations for settlement (Wall Street… …   Useful english dictionary

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